NEW: Back and head massage 25’

  • € 47,00 (p.p.)

Struggling to choose between a back massage and a head massage? Now you don't have to: this treatment combines the best of both worlds! It starts with a heavenly head massage, followed by a relaxing back massage. You’ll be lying on your stomach the entire time.

Our massages are performed by both men and women. Do you have a specific preference? Please inform us in advance. It will no longer be possible to change this on-site.

Treat yourself to a heavenly massage at home too thanks to our exclusive massage oil. All our products are by Sirène, a line of skincare products developed exclusively for us in a Belgian lab. This means you can only buy these products at our wellness centres.

Want to surprise someone? Give them a Thermae Grimbergen gift voucher

You choose the gift voucher amount which the recipient is free to spend as they wish at both Thermae Boetfort and Thermae Grimbergen. You can put together your day of wellness to your own liking. Gift vouchers are always valid for one year. 

You can fully personalise your gift voucher with a message for the recipient and a layout with your chosen design.