Frequently asked questions

I've forgotten my swimsuit? How can I get it back?

Take good care of your belongings. When you leave our premises, have a good look in your bathrobe pockets and the lockers to make sure you don’t forget anything. Have you lost something despite these checks? Telephone our reception or send an e-mail to lostandfoundboetfort@thermae.com or lostandfoundgrimbergen@thermae.com. We will check to see if we have your lost property and, if so, you can come to collect it or we will send it to you. Note: Due to the large number of items lost, we can only keep them for a maximum of one month. After that, we give them to second-hand charity shops.

Het antwoord op je vraag niet teruggevonden?

Geen probleem, stuur een mailtje naar info@thermae.com, neem telefonisch contact op of vul het contactformulier in. Wij helpen je graag verder.

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