Frequently asked questions

Should I make a reservation with a birthday code?

Did you receive a birthday code in your mailbox?

You can come and relax for a day thanks to the advantageous birthday package for only €52 per person (instead of €75.90 or €77.90 at Thermae Boetfort or €70.90 or €72.90 at Thermae Grimbergen).

The birthday person (and their partner) will receive access to the public thermal baths and a 25-minute Body Relax Massage or a 25-minute facial.

Birthday package is NOT valid on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, bridge weekends and is not valid during autumn vacations (26/10/23 - 05/11/23) and Christmas vacations (23/12/23 - 07/01/24).

Subject to availability. Not redeemable, not renewable and not combinable with other offers. Please book in advance by phone, Thermae Boetfort: 02/759.81.96 or Thermae Grimbergen: 02/270.81.96 or fill in the contact form. Do not forget your birthday email and your identity card.


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Geen probleem, stuur een mailtje naar info@thermae.com, neem telefonisch contact op of vul het contactformulier in. Wij helpen je graag verder.

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