The Spring Challenge will take place from Monday March 31st through Sunday May 4th.
What does it entail:
Getting as many cards full as possible to increase your chances. Each full card is inserted into the box (at the front desk or at the coaches desk in the gym), at the end of the challenge an innocent hand will draw the winner. The first two people who filled the most cards will also get a prize (if they don't already win the main prize). What prizes they get, we will still keep secret for a while!
How to fill a card:
You get 1 stamp on your card:
- After taking 1 group class.
- Per 1000 moves of a fitness workout.
- After 1 hour of tennis.
- After 1 hour and a half of padel.
- After 1 hour of pickleball.
- After 1 swimming session of at least 30 min.
A full card is 5 stamps and can then be deposited in the box (don't forget to write your name on the card!). You can get a new card from the coaches or at the front desk.
The more cards you put in the box, the more chances you have to win the free one-year membership. On Monday, May 5th, an innocent hand will draw the winner.
Good luck!