Bathroom blunders
- Beauty
We spend quite a lot of time in the bathroom every day. A bit of soap here, a scrub there. And yet, we all make the same little mistakes. We have listed the three most common bathroom blunders below to help you avoid them!
- Beauty
We spend quite a lot of time in the bathroom every day. A bit of soap here, a scrub there. And yet, we all make the same little mistakes. We have listed the three most common bathroom blunders below to help you avoid them!
- Beauty
Switch off the light when you leave the bathroom and make use of natural light as much as possible to save energy. Still renovating? Consider fitting lighting that automatically switches on and off as you enter and leave the bathroom.
- Beauty
Every season has its charm, but autumn may well be our favourite time of year. The sun is still shining, nature dazzles with an amazing display of colours and it is gradually starting to get cooler.
- Sauna experience
Going back to school or work after the summer holidays is something almost everyone struggles with. But we believe that’s easy to remedy. Nip stress in the bud and start the new school year relaxed thanks to our tips!