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How to beat jet lag

 - Health

Flying to another time zone can play havoc with your body clock. Some people struggle with this for days, while others don’t feel a thing. When you have jet lag, the region of your brain responsible for REM sleep has become disrupted. But fear not, you can prepare your body and limit the effects of jet lag!

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What is sunburn?

 - Health

Chances are that you have been out in the sun too long at one time or other in your life and that you ended up looking a lovely shade of lobster-red. But what exactly is sunburn? The technical explanation: your skin cells become damaged by UV rays, which triggers an inflammation response in your body.

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DIY beauty

 - Beauty

Maybe you finally have some time, or maybe life is actually incredibly hectic and you are desperate for a little me-time? Whatever the case, try our DIY tips for some beauty pampering at home. Fun guaranteed!

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Choose the right product for your skin type

 - Beauty

From the age of 25, your body produces less collagen and hyaluronic acid. This is when your skin starts losing its firmness and elasticity. In other words, the perfect time to start a good skin care routine!

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A day of sauna plus a massage for your birthday at a price-busting 57 euros, exclusively for our newsletter subscribers!

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