Walking in Grimbergen: Glooiend Grimbergen walk


There are lots of great routes to explore in the area around our Thermae Grimbergen Hotel. Like Glooiend Grimbergen, a walking route of just under 5km.

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This walk takes you along idyllic places like the Watermill on the Maalbeek stream, the oldest watermill in Grimbergen, as well as 17th century farms Spiegelhof and Potaardehof, and the garden with flower meadow of psychiatric hospital Sint-Alexius.

The Glooiend Grimbergen walk starts at brasserie ‘s Gravenmolen. Follow these junctions: 69 – 67 – 66 – 63 – 64 – 65 – 69.

There is so much more to discover in the local area of the Thermae Grimbergen Hotel, with all kinds of walking and cycling routes to explore and places of interest to visit. Of course, you can also relax in our public baths. You can enjoy your sauna and wellness experience in swimwear or in the nude because we have two separate areas, each with a wide range of saunas and wellness baths. Added bonus? Our hotel guests get 50% off the admission price after 5 PM!

Looking for more things to do in the local area? Check out our blog for more great ideas! 

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