Things to do in Grimbergen: carillon concerts


Never been to a carillon concert? A definite must if you are staying at the Thermae Grimbergen Hotel!

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Throughout the year, carillon concerts are regularly organised at the Basilica of Saint Servatius in Grimbergen. While a visit to the Basilica is impressive enough in itself, adding a carillon concert makes the experience even more special!

Click on this link to discover more.

In the area around the Thermae Grimbergen Hotel, there are many special places of interest to visit and lots of walking and cycling routes to explore. Read all about it on our blog.

Of course, there is also plenty to experience at our stunning wellness resort! We are open most days of the year (except for 25/12 and 1/1) and every day, we organise an extensive wellness programme with relaxing Aufguss, scrubbing and relaxation sessions. As our hotel guest, you enjoy a 50% discount on the normal admission price after 17:00!

A day of sauna plus a massage for your birthday at a price-busting 57 euros, exclusively for our newsletter subscribers!

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