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What is sunburn?

 - Health

Chances are that you have been out in the sun too long at one time or other in your life and that you ended up looking a lovely shade of lobster-red. But what exactly is sunburn? The technical explanation: your skin cells become damaged by UV rays, which triggers an inflammation response in your body.

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Don’t worry, be happy

 - Health

Every spring, the United Nations publishes the World Happiness Report: a report that measures the level of happiness worldwide.

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Keep a daily sleep diary

 - Health

One in five Belgian people has trouble sleeping. Those aged between 25 and 30 sleep the worst. Why? Being constantly available is making us all stressed. It’s an affliction that has even been given its own name: Social Media Stress. And, what’s the biggest enemy of sleep? You guessed it, stress! But that’s not all, exposure to blue light also keeps you awake.

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These foods reduce stress

 - Health

A lot of scientific research has been done into the effect food has on our mental wellbeing. For instance, fibre (e.g. in wholemeal bread, oats, fruit etc) is believed to help you think faster and reduce stress. It also ensures that your blood sugar levels remain stable. Fluctuating blood sugar often causes you to experience feelings of sadness, anger or frustration more easily.

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Re-energise through exercise

 - Health

Feeling listless? Re-energise through exercise! Doing more exercise is a popular New Year’s resolution, but unfortunately, one that many people tend to give up on even before the end of January. Determined to stick to your new exercise regime? Consider why you want to exercise.

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