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Thermae helps protect the environment

 - Health

Every day, a huge number of plastic bottles are used, a large proportion of which end up in our seas and oceans. The success of initiatives such as Mei Plasticvrij in Belgium has shown that we are becoming more and more aware of the problem. At, we, too, are passionate about doing our bit to protect the environment.

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Free session: Halo therapy

 - Health

The salt room also features a unique, healing microclimate. The walls, ceiling and floors are covered with mineral salt stones and salt grains from the Himalayas using combinations of different types of salt.

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Wabi Sabi

 - Health

Are you familiar with Wabi Sabi, the latest hype that completely abandons the pursuit of perfection? 

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High and low blood pressure

 - Health

While your body is cooling down, your blood vessels start to narrow or may even close , which means that your blood pressure will rise and become even higher than it would normally be. Some prudence is therefore in order!

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Sauna and asthma

 - Health

Many asthma patients have a bad feeling about the idea of a sauna, but in fact there is really no need. It's a question of trying, because only a minority of people don't enjoy a sauna. 

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A day of sauna plus a massage for your birthday at a price-busting 57 euros, exclusively for our newsletter subscribers!

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