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The perfect morning ritual

 - Beauty

Obviously, you have to adapt your beauty ritual to your skin type, but there are a few tips that apply to everyone.

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Choose the right product for your skin type

 - Beauty

From the age of 25, your body produces less collagen and hyaluronic acid. This is when your skin starts losing its firmness and elasticity. In other words, the perfect time to start a good skin care routine!

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Evening skin care routine

 - Beauty

Throughout the day, your skin has to put up with a lot. Harmful substances in the air, wind and cold or exposure to the sun. So it’s very important to not only cleanse your skin properly, but to also nourish it well. This way, the products can have optimal effect at night.

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These produts work best at night

 - Beauty

Did you know that your skin produces double the amount of skin cells at night compared to during the day? That makes it the ideal time to pamper your skin with a skin repair product (a rich serum, for instance, or an intensely hydrating mask that you can leave on your skin).

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A day of sauna plus a massage for your birthday at a price-busting 57 euros, exclusively for our newsletter subscribers!

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