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Money-saving multi-treatment pass for massages and more

 - Beauty

Regularly booking massages or treatments? Check out our money-saving multi-treatment pass!

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Summer feet

 - Beauty

The sun is out again, so it’s time to put on our sandals! Have your feet been hidden for too long? Book a pedicure at Thermae Boetfort and your feet will be ready for summer! 

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Protecting your skin from the sun

 - Beauty

The sun is one of the major culprits of ageing skin. That is why it is important to protect your skin in every season. Choose a sunscreen that suits your skin type: spray, milk, lotion, anything is possible, as long as it protects!

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Summer day cream

 - Beauty

We have a lovely new addition to our beauty product range: Kigelia Africana Skin Lift . The Kigelia africana is a large tree of the genus Bignonia, native to tropical Africa. The tree has large sausage-shaped fruit and big, red-purple flowers. The active ingredient in this day cream has two very distinct properties: it soothes the skin, and it stimulates the natural regeneration of skin cells.

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The ins and outs of anti-ageing

 - Beauty

Your skin is exposed to many external aggressors which cause damage and premature ageing. A dull complexion, dry skin with fine lines ... These are just some of the results of exposure to smog, greenhouse gases and fine dust. 

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A day of sauna plus a massage for your birthday at a price-busting 57 euros, exclusively for our newsletter subscribers!

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